When times are tough – Play the Lottery
You know when things are tough when…
1) Your creditors start praying you will winning the lottery
2) When you consider recycling toilet paper
3) When you see bankers on street corners trying to sell you their shoes
4) You start refinancing your television by taking out a second mortgage
5) …
Hey I was trying to find this cartoon on Wonkie but it is not on there…? Cause it reminded me of this:
I think in Trinidad people are ages ahead of this cartoon after all they always had Whe Whe! And the gvtmt used to crack down on it as illegal gambling and then Lo and Behold they endorsed and legalised Play Whe as a state lottery so…and they officially play their dreams and win! No visualization necessary!
Check it here song (click on the jingle button) and everything…did you hear about it before?
Oh they dont have it where you can get to the link directly it seems…when you get to that page you have to click on the Play Whe ball at the top!